Air Intake Valve MoFlo / Patriot Boost

SKU: 14-208
Regular price $489.00 USD

*******Projected Delivery: April**********

Prevent bogging on your Patriot Boost when on and off the throttle. This part manages airflow into the engine better giving you the best riding reperience.


-billet design that's a direct replacement for reed valves.

-bolts in using original hardware.

-double o-ring seal.

-optimized flow profile of valve and housing.

-hight quality spring and bushings

-three inch valve that opens 1/2 in

-captive hardware to minimize the chance of your engine eating a bolt

-maximized surface area of valve interior to produce rapid response and

increase seal pressure under boost.

-made in the USA


Parts Included

-Air Intake Valve

-Gaskets & Orings 

-Mounting Plate for oem frogskin (reuse oem)